Jangan Malu Hidup Miskin

  Aku kadang baca atau denger tentang anak yang merasa malu karena orangtuanya miskin, aku merasa itu salah. Aku terlahir di keluarga yang pas-pasan. Namun, tak sedikitpun aku merasa malu akan kekurangan harta ataupun iri melihat teman yang berkecukupan. Saat orangtua kita sudah berusaha keras untuk membesarkan kita, seharusnya kita bersyukur dan tidak membebani orangtuaContinue reading “Jangan Malu Hidup Miskin”

20 Happy Habits

Harvard University Recommended 20 Happy Habits 1. Be Grateful 2. Choose Your Friends Wisely 3. Cultivate Compassion 4. Keep Learning 5. Become a Problem Solver 6. Do What You Love 7. Live in the Present 8. Laugh often 9. Practice Forgiveness 10. Say Thanks often 11. Create Deeper Connections 12. Keep Your Agreement 13. MeditateContinue reading “20 Happy Habits”

My Positive Traits (Quiz Result)

  Positive Traits : You are endowed with the wonderful characteristic of multi-talents and versatility. You can do so many things well. Your tone is constructive freedom, and in your drive to attain this freedom, you will likely be the master of adaptability and change. You are good at presenting ideas and knowing how toContinue reading “My Positive Traits (Quiz Result)”