To Love

  I have often talked about love, the concept and all that stuffs. I have also imagined so many times how it will be when I am in love. Although my actual experience of love is zero as I have never been in relationship before, but I believe I know a thing or two aboutContinue reading “To Love”

An Affair is A Challenge to God

  Marriage is a sacred relationship between a man and a woman under God’s Blessing. Sitting on the day of the marriage, a man take a woman as his wife under a promise that he will treat her well. That he will become her protector. In Islam, the vow in marriage is classified as miitsaaqanContinue reading “An Affair is A Challenge to God”

Mengagungkan Allah SWT

  Tiada satupun yang pantas diagung-agungkan melainkan Allah SWT. Mengagungkan manusia pada akhirnya kecewa. Entah itu dikhianati, dilupakan, atau ditinggalkan (hidup ataupun mati). Pernah dengar kan cerita orang yang sudah dibaikin malah menjahati? Atau orang yang sudah pernah ditolong sama sekali ga ingat akan itu? Tak ada yang kekal di dunia ini. Hubungan antar sesamaContinue reading “Mengagungkan Allah SWT”

Just a Simple Greeting of Hello

  Once in Netherlands, I was surprised when people just say Hello to each other and nothing else. I was confused at first on why they don’t prolong the conversation. But then I realized, saying just “Hello” is enough for caring and is stopping them to interfere. It’s the epitome of simple greetings and atContinue reading “Just a Simple Greeting of Hello”

Beautiful The Way You Are

People always found something to be displeased of the other person. Even when that person looks nice, awesome, nearly perfect (no one is perfect anyway), or whatever, they will found one thing or another to mock. But it’s not what they say of you that really matters, it’s what you think of yourself. When youContinue reading “Beautiful The Way You Are”

Your Job Does not Determine Your Value

  I met a woman on a train in the Netherlands two or three years ago, she’s Indonesian, a freelance writer, and traveling solo to Europe using her savings from her book royalty. I thought to myself at that time, Wow, that’s amazing! But then, there was an insecurity when she spoke about her job,Continue reading “Your Job Does not Determine Your Value”

Appreciate Different Personalities

I think God Created people with different personalities that suited them the best. Every one of us was brought up differently, faces different obstacles, with different worries, and have different things we consider important or could make us happy. Did you ever wonder if you have different personality, what would your life be at theContinue reading “Appreciate Different Personalities”

Money and Me, The Relationship Without Money

After my mom died, I worked so hard and I never asked any money to anyone to fulfill my need. Even in my struggling time. I just ate less. I cut my spending as much as I could. I bathed using the very cheap soap and used it until that tiny little piece was gone.Continue reading “Money and Me, The Relationship Without Money”

Belittling, A Bad Habit in Indonesia

We all are different. We appreciate different things. We have our own struggle, For something we consider important. Belittling somebody’s struggle just because you don’t think it’s important enough or think there are other things much more important is not quite right, isn’t it? But I guess this is the habit in Indonesia. Where everyoneContinue reading “Belittling, A Bad Habit in Indonesia”

Thought On “An axe forgets but the tree remembers.”

A proverb said: “An axe forgets but the tree remembers.” It is easy for someone who is hurting another person to forget the wrong and move on but the person who was hurt never forgets. But things to remember: Sometimes when we socialize, some people would say or do things that trouble us or weightContinue reading “Thought On “An axe forgets but the tree remembers.””