Work to Live

My old laptop has quite few errors already but it’s still useful so I still keep it. And about a month ago, I bought a new laptop for myself. My intention is to make this laptop personal, there will be no job related files there. For job I will just use my old laptop thatContinue reading “Work to Live”

List of Scholarship For 2017 Intake

========================== #Postgraduate #Fellowship #Master Degree #Research #Post Doctoral #PhD #MBA πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ *INPEX Scholarships for “`Indonesian Students“` in Japan, 2017* _Application Deadline_: 15 November, 2016 _Application link_: _Scholarship link_: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ *Arryman Fellowship for “`Indonesian Students“` in USA, 2017* _Application Deadline_: 31 December, 2016 _Application link_: _Scholarship link_: πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­ *Scholarships “`for ASEAN Students“`Continue reading “List of Scholarship For 2017 Intake”

Public Display of Affection

Well, it’s not a scene in drama, but the real life married couple who shows love for each other which convince me that true love does exist. So my reaction to public display of affection from married couple is “Aww, so sweet!” Love is in the air and it makes you feel the love also,Continue reading “Public Display of Affection”

Accepting Disappointment

I don’t know how long it’s been since I became independent, that I have now started to accept “disappointment, of someone not living up to my expectation” as something ordinary. And on the contrary, I too don’t really want to live up to someone else’s expectation. Disappointed, then disappointing, and back to being disappointed, it’sContinue reading “Accepting Disappointment”

Internet, Rumah Keduaku

Pemakaian internetku sebulan ini sudah sekitar 23 GB. Tentunya itu juga dibantu oleh waktu 1 minggu adanya wifi yang memadai di hotel tempat aku mengikuti pertemuan. Kita lihat ke depan berapa kuota internet yang kubutuhkan sebenarnya. Dulu sebelum ke Belanda, sebulan aku cukup dengan pemakaian internet sekitar 14 GB. Setelah merasakan betapa leluasanya wifi diContinue reading “Internet, Rumah Keduaku”

Belittling, A Bad Habit in Indonesia

We all are different. We appreciate different things. We have our own struggle, For something we consider important. Belittling somebody’s struggle just because you don’t think it’s important enough or think there are other things much more important is not quite right, isn’t it? But I guess this is the habit in Indonesia. Where everyoneContinue reading “Belittling, A Bad Habit in Indonesia”

The Search for Happiness

  According to World Happiness Report 2016, the ranking of the happiest countries during 2013-2015 of the countries I visited before is as follows: 7th Netherlands 12th Austria 16th Germany 18th Belgium 23rd UK 27th Czech Republic 32nd France 37th Spain 50th Italy 53rd Japan 79th Indonesia 91st Hungary 94th Portugal and the Top 3Continue reading “The Search for Happiness”