I Am Me

  I am always myself. I never once think I am special or different or anything. I believe that everyone has their own color which is special to themselves. No matter how much similarities you share with another, there will always be more things different. That nature in itself made every person is unique inContinue reading “I Am Me”

I’m not angry, just upset!

  Upset vs Angry Upset is different in meaning from angry. If you look through their meanings in the dictionary, you will find that Angry contains the strong feelings of hostility and displeasure. While Upset contains the emotions of disappointment, worry, unhappiness, sadness. Upset is a more light feeling that we often feel in ourContinue reading “I’m not angry, just upset!”

I am Generalist and Friendly When I Want to be

  If people are classified into generalist or specialist, then I’m definitely a generalist. My interests are wide so I could talk to people from different backgrounds about different topics, maths, languages, ITs. religions, entertainments (music, movie, drama, show, dance, etc), medical, geography, history, economy, philosophy, traveling, art, psychology, science, animal, policy, mythology, education, etc.Continue reading “I am Generalist and Friendly When I Want to be”

My 100 Questions and Answers

100 Questions and Answers (copied and adjusted to me) 1.) Nickname: Hifni 2.) Enneagram Type: Tritype (1-5-9), Basic and Wing (1w9) 3.) Personality type: INFJ (less than 1% of the world)-Ambivert (38-68% of the world)-HSP (15-20% of the world) 4.) Blood type: O- (5% of the world) 5.) Height: 160 cm 6.) Weight: >50 kgContinue reading “My 100 Questions and Answers”

My Life as a Highly Sensitive People

    I could go from having a very high spirit to hitting a down low several times a day. Because everything influence me very much. Often time I could camouflage so people won’t notice. My emotions could also get to my physical condition. “But you’re still fine just yesterday, or just a minute ago.”Continue reading “My Life as a Highly Sensitive People”

My Pride: Forgive but Not Forget

  I have this sense of pride. For example, when someone choose money over me, then they can have the money but not me. I forgive them, I do. But letting them be a part of my life again is out of the question. I have right to protect myself against any potential threat thatContinue reading “My Pride: Forgive but Not Forget”

The Many Facets of Me

  There are many conflicting sides of me. I am diligent and lazy, talkative and quiet, organized and messy, both logical and emotional, caring yet ignoring, smart but foolish, strong but weak, clean but dirty, bold and shy, both confident and doubtful in myself. have both feminine and masculine traits, independent but want to dependContinue reading “The Many Facets of Me”

Seeking a Soulmate in Marriage

  I seek a soulmate in marriage, a life long partner, a friend, a lover, someone I can have deep conversation with. Together we’re understanding and accepting, with genuine care for each other. So I take my time and do not rush a marriage. As I’m still single now, isn’t that simply mean I justContinue reading “Seeking a Soulmate in Marriage”