How Can Everyone Be Happy?

  What is happiness? In philosophy, happiness translates the Greek concept of eudaimonia, and refers to the good life, or flourishing, rather than simply an emotion. In psychology, happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. HappyContinue reading “How Can Everyone Be Happy?”

Mom’s Smile is My First Motivation

I remembered when I was a kid; I was someone who was eager to learn. Being a curious child, I came to my brother’s school every day and stood by the door to look at the teacher’s teaching the lesson. I wanted to study as well but my age at that time had not reachedContinue reading “Mom’s Smile is My First Motivation”

Happy Thoughts: Here Are the Things Proven To Make You Happier

by Eric Barker Source:         What’s the secret to a head full of happy thoughts? Time to round up the research on living a happy life to see what we can use. First, yeah, a good chunk of happiness is controlled by your genes but there’s a lot you can doContinue reading “Happy Thoughts: Here Are the Things Proven To Make You Happier”

20 Happy Habits

Harvard University Recommended 20 Happy Habits 1. Be Grateful 2. Choose Your Friends Wisely 3. Cultivate Compassion 4. Keep Learning 5. Become a Problem Solver 6. Do What You Love 7. Live in the Present 8. Laugh often 9. Practice Forgiveness 10. Say Thanks often 11. Create Deeper Connections 12. Keep Your Agreement 13. MeditateContinue reading “20 Happy Habits”

Happy Go Lucky (Chinese Movie)

Dipublikasikan pertama kali di bagian Pages blog ini pada Feb 15, 2009 @ 4:19 Pada 20 Juli 2007 malam, Aku menonton film lepas Happy Go Lucky di JakTV pukul 19.30 WIB. Filmnya bagus dan inspiratif, bercerita tentang bagaimana 3 orang yang memiliki kekurangan, berjuang yang terbaik dalam menjalani hidup. Pertama, seorang laki-laki idiot yang bekerjaContinue reading “Happy Go Lucky (Chinese Movie)”