First Time Learning Microsoft Office

  When I entered university in 2003, I knew nothing about Microsoft Office. As I came from a high school where there was no proper class for learning computer and I didn’t have personal computer either, Ms Office was a new thing for me. It just so happened at that time, as a new student,Continue reading “First Time Learning Microsoft Office”

Match or Not Match, That is The Answer

  Match or not match After series of experience, I realize you don’t need to blame yourself or think you’re not good enough when you found someone who doesn’t match with you. When A doesn’t match with B, while both of them are friends with C separately, Why A and B don’t match? Who’s faultContinue reading “Match or Not Match, That is The Answer”

What I Need to Talk to My Mom If She Was Alive

    As a sensitive person, socializing with other people is sometimes hard. People aren’t always accepting and sometimes are filled with judgements. Some people hurt other people easily and some use others for their advantages without care. When Mom was alive, I used to say to myself every time someone wronged me or myContinue reading “What I Need to Talk to My Mom If She Was Alive”

Mengingat Kebaikan

  Alhamdulillah dapet rezeki kemarin, beli nasi telor 10 ribu dikasih telor 2, katanya karena mau nutup. Pas saya tanya apa bener ga rugi nih, katanya ga koq. Saya cuma bisa bilang Makasih. Saya bersyukur. 🙂 Sebenernya kalo mau dilihat sepanjang hidup saya, udah banyak kebaikan orang yang saya terima, kadang juga dari orang yangContinue reading “Mengingat Kebaikan”

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

  Life and its turn of events sometimes shape us to be who we are today. Our belief, worry, expectation, point of view, moral value, thought, behavior, action, and limitation is something we set for ourselves. When things start to cloud your judgment and fill your life with negativity, why don’t you put them allContinue reading “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful”

What Goes Around Comes Around

  The concept what goes around comes around is indeed happening. It’s just that for me, I breathe around it. I know I’ve said this before, but since I was a child, every time I made a mistake, the payback always happened not long after. I never usually cheated on a test, but once IContinue reading “What Goes Around Comes Around”

Sincerity in Relationship

I, know, am still lacking in human to human relationship. Being good friends, families, colleagues, perhaps so many people are doing it better than me. But I, believe, I treat people with sincerity. I never use them or exploit them to fulfill my need. I have a big pride and my pride just won’t letContinue reading “Sincerity in Relationship”

Accepting Disappointment

I don’t know how long it’s been since I became independent, that I have now started to accept “disappointment, of someone not living up to my expectation” as something ordinary. And on the contrary, I too don’t really want to live up to someone else’s expectation. Disappointed, then disappointing, and back to being disappointed, it’sContinue reading “Accepting Disappointment”