Beautiful The Way You Are

People always found something to be displeased of the other person. Even when that person looks nice, awesome, nearly perfect (no one is perfect anyway), or whatever, they will found one thing or another to mock. But it’s not what they say of you that really matters, it’s what you think of yourself. When youContinue reading “Beautiful The Way You Are”

The Many Facets of Me

  There are many conflicting sides of me. I am diligent and lazy, talkative and quiet, organized and messy, both logical and emotional, caring yet ignoring, smart but foolish, strong but weak, clean but dirty, bold and shy, both confident and doubtful in myself. have both feminine and masculine traits, independent but want to dependContinue reading “The Many Facets of Me”

The Potential in an INFJ Relationship

    Source:     For some personality types, relationships can come about quite easily; but for an INFJ, relationships can be significantly more difficult to initiate and traverse. This particular Myers-Briggs personality type is defined as being introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. INFJ is a rare but intriguing personality to come across andContinue reading “The Potential in an INFJ Relationship”

Watching Movies and Series

  I really like movies and series. I probably have watched around 1300 titles for the last 26 years of my life. That’s like 50 every year or one every week. Okay, maybe not so much. I watch variety of genres, science fiction, fantasy, action, adventure, romance, comedy, crime, thriller, etc. Genre which I avoidContinue reading “Watching Movies and Series”