Don’t Generalize As Excuse!


Don’t generalize as excuse!
Some people generalize some negative actions saying everyone behave the same.
I beg to differ.
You’re just excusing your behavior and framing others.

One example is the saying that every men is bound to be attracted to several women. So some men use this statement to justify their actions of flirting with many different women. Is that true? So what about men who stayed loyal to their significant other. Are you saying they are not men? Truth is those flirty men are just not man enough to admit they are jerks.
Don’t be a coward and admit you’re wrong when you’re wrong.

Can’t you see there are couples out there that even when 10 years, 20, or 50 years have passed since they were together are still going strong and gazing at each other full of love. You are disrespecting such true love with your ill behavior.

Another example is doing a favor to someone just because of money or benefit they got to offer. By saying everyone else do the same, they’re eliminating the fact that what they’re doing is wrong. Then blaming those who couldn’t offer any benefit that it’s their fate to get the unjust treatment for not being born with power or wealth. Isn’t that ridiculous? Many don’t make wrong become right.
Just like Evil doesn’t make Kindness disappear.

You can lie to others but what about your conscience? Or perhaps your conscience is dead? Well, when you die, you just have to go to the after world to make your statement that what you’re doing is right. Then let’s see what will be the result of your trial.

Although the world is full of injustice, not everyone behaves immoral. Some people are trying hard in their lives, abiding the rules, staying good, despite the temptations. It’s not fair to them. So generalizing bad behavior as something done by many is just failed excuse. It’s still wrong and never will be right. Stop fooling yourself!


Published by hifni1985

Just another human being who is full of various interests and feel empty when unable to express them.

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