Sorry! No Last Name


I’m glad that Facebook now has allowed empty last name in their account setting. That’s why, I officially write my name just as it is.

Not all country has the same citizens’ name regulations.
In Indonesia, birth name can be one word only or as many words as they want and their father’s name is not necessarily included in their birth name. It can be included by choice. This makes it hard to define Indonesian name into standard name form like:
First Name, Last Name or
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

Which in other form, it is stated:

Birth Name, Family Name or

Forename, Middle Name, Surname

As my name is only consist of one word, so whenever I fill any of such form, I usually put my name twice or thrice; or make it empty if it is allowed. Though some people will find it weird.

There was some instances when I was abroad, the staff at the airport is confused by my name and the ticket was printed with the same name twice. Then I explained that my name is only consist of one word. Another encounter regarding this name issue also happened with a bank customer service and an immigration officer at the border of UK. They accepted my explanation but it was just weird for them.

I then thought to myself that I would name my children (if I ever have them) with two or three words so they wouldn’t encounter such confusions.


Published by hifni1985

Just another human being who is full of various interests and feel empty when unable to express them.

10 thoughts on “Sorry! No Last Name

  1. kalau di Aussie ada aturan buat mereka yang punya satu nama aja, namanya ditulis di bagian Last/family/ name… Mungkin saking banyaknya orang yang cuma punya satu nama kali ya. I was born with family name, but since I moved to Aussie, they used to called me with my family name, still feeling awkward sih, karna biasa dipanggil pakai nama depan, sekarang nama belakang, hehehe


      1. umm… tbh gatau sih, hehehe… tapi kalau di sini setiap mau isi nama sllu ada ctatan “if you have only one name, put it at the last name column” atau semacam itu, hehe. Mungkin krna di sini terbiasa manggil pakai last name kali ya.


          1. iya, ga perlu di ulang ulang. Ibuku namanya cuma satu, dan gak ambil nama keluarga ayahku, jadi waktu isi visa namanya ditaruh di last name. sepertinya di UK juga sama, dan bbrpa Negara lainnya juga sama.


  2. ini yang aku alami pas mau umroh… nambah nama ayah di passport dan ribet karena harus daftar lagi seperti baru 🙂

    Hihi aku juga kepikiran nambah nama buat my future babies 🙂


    1. Iya say. Aku juga perlu nambah nama ayah dan kakek di paspor dan tambah ribet skrg krn perlu surat dari kemenag dan tanda daftar umroh dari travel dulu.


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