My Passion My Career – Book Review


Judul Lengkap: My Passion My Career

Penulis: Ardiningtiyas Pitaloka dan Andin Andiyasari

Penerbit: Tiga Serangkai

Tanggal Terbit: Mei 2013


Choose a job you love.
and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Trust your dreams and they will come true.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.

Believe the impossible, discover the incredible.


How’s your job, what is your passion and have you found your career?
Ketiga pertanyaan itu harus terus kita tanyakan pada diri sendiri. Sebab bekerja bukan hanya untuk menjemput rezeki, tetapi juga merengkuh kebahagiaan. Maka, mutlak kita perlu passion dalam meniti karier.

Begitulah pengantar dari buku My Passion My Career. Buku ini membantu kita melihat karier yang kita telah jalani, apakah telah sesuai dengan passion kita, dan membantu kita menemukan passion untuk karier kita ke depan.

Berkaca dari pengalaman para klien yang mengirimkan pertanyaannya ke, buku ini menjelaskan betapa pentingnya passion dalam pekerjaan. Dilengkapi pula dengan berbagai pengalaman beberapa tokoh yang telah berhasil di karier idamannya, 100 rahasia karier sukses, serta berbagai kuis tentang karier.

Semoga dengan membaca buku ini bisa memberikan inspirasi bagi kita yang ingin meraih karier ideal sesuai impian kita.



First Time Learning Microsoft Office


When I entered university in 2003, I knew nothing about Microsoft Office. As I came from a high school where there was no proper class for learning computer and I didn’t have personal computer either, Ms Office was a new thing for me.

It just so happened at that time, as a new student, we were given a task by the senior in the university to write a paper so I rented out a computer at the rental service and learn Microsoft Word for the first time. Honestly at that time, I didn’t know what to do. There was a peer renting out a computer for the same purpose at the same time with me so I pay attention to what she did and asked her many questions. But then she seemed disturbed and because I am a sensitive person, I felt like I shouldn’t ask her any more question. That’s the type of person I am. She originally was a nice person and I didn’t blame her for feeling disturbed as I was indeed a disturbance to her task. Once I’m feeling rejected though, I would never ask any favor to the person, so I tried learning Microsoft Office by myself through trial and error. I observed my surroundings as well.

Day by day, as I kept practicing and doing trial and error, my skill in Microsoft Office improved. Maybe Microsoft Office is quite a user friendly program so we could catch on fast in learning it.
But nevertheless I am thankful to that friend who felt disturbed by me because it encouraged me further to learn it by myself.
I realize there is nothing we couldn’t learn if we put our mind to it.

I Can Do It! – Book Review


Judul Lengkap: I Can Do It! Cara Mengubah Kebiasaan Berpikir yang Merusak

Buku ini adalah saduran dari buku berbahasa Inggris dengan

Judul Asli: Excuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits

Penulis: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Penerbit: ESENSi divisi Penerbit Erlangga

Tanggal Terbit: 12 Juni 2009

Penerbit Asli: Hay House Inc., USA @2009


Bagian yang aku sukai dari buku ini:


“Esensi alami manusia adalah sempurna dan tanpa cacat. Akan tetapi hidup bertahun-tahun dalam kubangan duniawi membuat kita dengan mudah melupakan akar kita dan menjadi sosok yang palsu.”


Menyesuaikan diri dan menjadi seperti orang lain adalah usaha yanng sia-sia dan hanya buang waktu. Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh E.E. Cummings:

“Untuk menjadi siapa pun kecuali diri saya – di dunia yang melakukan upaya terbaiknya untuk membuatmu menjadi orang lain – berarti melakukan pertempuran yang paling sulit dan perjuangan yang tak kan pernah usai.”


Jangan dengarkan perkataan orang lain yang mengkerdilkan diri Anda.
Jangan remehkan kekuatan Anda.
Yakinkan diri Anda:


* Saya bisa mencapai apa pun yang saya pilih.
* Saya adalah seorang yang layak dan berharga.
* Saya mampu secara intelektual.
* Saya pantas mendapatkan yang terbaik karena saya baik.
* Saya menarik kelimpahan dalam semua bidang kehidupan saya.
* Saya berhak atas kesehatan, kebahagiaan, dan kesuksesan.
* Saya dicintai oleh orang lain, dan saya mencintai diri saya.
* Saya dipandu oleh keinginan saya dan bukan mengikuti aturan.
* Saya unik dan tidak tergantung pada pendapat orang lain akan diri saya.


Saat membaca bagian tersebut, aku merasa terhibur karena terus terang sering sekali kita di masyarakat atau bahkan di lingkungan keluarga sendiri dianggap sebagai seorang pribadi yang tercela hanya karena kita tidak memenuhi harapan mereka akan sesuatu hal. Kita dituntut untuk berubah menjadi sosok yang mereka anggap ideal padahal sudah pada hakekatnya manusia itu berbeda dan anggapan bahwa suatu pribadi lebih baik dari pribadi yang lainnya toh hanyalah pendapat manusia biasa, yang tidak mesti benar, dan tidak mesti diikuti.


Lama-kelamaan kebiasaan masyarakat yang suka menjatuhkan orang lain tersebut akan membuat yang bersangkutan merasa kehilangan harga diri, merasa kerdil di hadapan orang lain, bahkan lebih parah bisa membuat mereka menjadi depresi.


Namun, sejatinya setiap individu memiliki kekuatan dalam dirinya. Yang ia perlukan hanyalah yakin akan kekuatan itu. Saat kita yakin maka kita akan mampu meraih apapun yang ingin kita raih.

Aku benar-benar berharap orang akan berhenti menilai buruk orang lain, atau setidaknya jika mereka tidak mampu memberikan pujian atau sesuatu yang positif, hendaknya mereka diam saja dan fokus saja pada diri sendiri.

Aku telah banyak terluka karena karena ulah banyak orang yang suka mengkerdilkan orang lain tersebut. Seringkali aku berpikir mengapa mereka melakukan itu. Namun, memikirkan alasan dari perilaku seseorang itu percuma. Aku hanya memilih menjauhi orang-orang yang membuatku terluka agar aku tidak terluka lagi.


Saat engkau sedang merasa gundah, buku ini adalah buku yang bagus untuk meningkatkan semangat diri dan membacanya bisa menjadi moment of healing time. You can do it!

Easyhotel, Kuala Lumpur – Review


Address: No. 110, Jalan Tun Sambanthan (Brickfields) KL Sentral , Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Type of room I stayed in : Deluxe Queen Room


My Review :
There’s nothing that could top its location, the elevator to the bridge connection to NU Mall, Monorail, and KL Sentral is right in front of this hotel. Very convenient access to various public transportation option. They provide 5 MYR breakfast coupon for 1 person per day to eat at ABC bistro at the ground floor, right beside the reception. There’s elevator at the hotel. The bathroom has sandals. They provided nice sajadah for Moslem to pray and Kiblat direction on top. The TV has cable channel like FOX Movies for entertainment option. Electric kettle, fridge, three electric socket to charge your phone, clothes hangers, table and chair. The bed and blanket is comfy. An easy to adjust hot shower, and toiletries. The toilet has water spray which is a must for me, Bangkok doesn’t have that. The check out only took 1 minute which is very convenient since I have to catch the train to the airport.



Be Myself

There was a time back then when I was younger that I regret I couldn’t be like someone else.

Then as time goes by, I learned to accept myself and think out of the box, that nobody is perfect and what matters is to be comfortable in your own skin.

Right now, there are still many people who told me to change this and change that, become more like this and more like that but I just want to be myself.

I now think that just having few people in my surroundings who like me for who I am is still better than having plenty of people but have to constantly change myself to please them so they would not leave.


Add Home Hostel, Bangkok – Review


Address: 82/1 Song Prapha Road, Don Meung, Bangkok, Donmuang, 10210 Bangkok, Thailand


Type of room I stayed in : Standard Single Room


My Review :
It has a lot more facilities than you think it will offer for the price. I stayed in single room and it’s right up stair. The hotel only has 3 rooms at the main building, one behind receptionist and two rooms up stair. There is one bathroom can be used by the two rooms. My room has TV, Clothes rack, laundry basket, sofa, a fridge, two complimentary mineral water, sandals. The bed, pillow, and blanket were comfy. Mirror for the room is the only addition I need. The bathroom also has separate slippers to wear. There are toiletries given and towel is provided as well. What I love most is the location. You can just walk from Don Mueang Airport, take exit of gate 1 ad walk to the right side, cross the street in the airport, then walk to go outside of the airport to see the walking bridge right beside Family Mart, cross the street from there with the two conjunction and you will see the food stall and 7 Eleven right across the street. Walk a little from 7 Eleven, around 200 meters and you will see add home hostel sign, enter the narrow street and you will find the hotel on your left behind the first building of the main street. There are still a lot people past midnight so it feels safe to walk there.

Left and Right Brain Balance

Left-Brain/Right-Brain Test

I first tried this test during my University year, but I thought lightly of the result. Just saying, “Oh, I got 50:50.”

Then over the years when I encountered various tests on the web, there are several tests similar to this, to test whether we are more left brained or right brained. I got 50:50 most of the time. I started to think, is there something more to it. I read more about this and found that:

Studies on patients with brain damage have allowed scientists to determine how each side of the brain controls different functions. The left hemisphere, for example, specializes in language skills and logic. The right hemisphere allows us to recognize shapes and faces and express and read. Most people are not likely to be strictly left-brain or right-brained – we use each side of our brain depending on the task we’re dealing with. However, some theorists and researchers believe that there may be one side of the brain that we draw on more, which can in turn make the personality traits characteristic of that side of the brain to be more dominant than others.

We go through life attached to a lot of personality-related labels – introverted, optimistic, strong but silent, drama queen, etc. But left-brain or right-brain? These are not so well-known. Interestingly however, whether it is our left hemisphere that is more dominant or our right one, the distinction can impact our personality and the decisions we make. For example, left-brain people are more organized and systematic. Right-brain people are more creative and intuitive. So which side of your brain is more dominant?


I tried the test above and once again got 50:50 result.

How to read your results: If you score closer to the right side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically right-brain. If you score closer to the left side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically left-brain. If you score somewhere in the middle, you share characteristics of both sides of the brain.



Both your right and left hemisphere seem to have reached a level of perfect harmony – rather than trying to dominant each other, they work together to create a unique and well-balanced “you”. Your spontaneous, impulsive, and free-flowing right brain creates an exciting and adventurous world, while your left brain helps you make sense of it and keep track of everything.

When faced with a problem or a tough decision, you’re not only able to break things down and make an informed and sensible choice, but you’re also not afraid to go with your gut when necessary. You tend to express your individuality both in words and actions, and although you’re perfectly comfortable running on a schedule or planning things ahead of time, there are occasions when you love to throw in a little spontaneity.

Your balanced outlook and approach to life creates a desire in you to not only understand the world, but to also take it in your hands and mold it as you see fit. With both your right and left hemispheres working together to guide you, you are able to understand yourself and life in general from so many wonderful perspectives.



The test stated that it is scientifically validated although I’m not sure until what certain point.

I wonder if it really brings benefit of some sorts by having this so-called balance left-right brain. Or is it the contrary, it brings about some confusions because you’re not exactly this and not exactly that, like I often feel. Some studies that I read do claimed that balanced left-right brain hemispheres brings so many benefit. Balancing them could be achieved by meditation. To see some potentials, you can see this picture:

This study also mentioned that Numerous electroencephalograph (EEG) studies have shown that humanity’s greatest philosophers, thinkers, inventors, and artists use both brain hemispheres together, in unison.

And that meditation works to balance both hemispheres of the brain, forcing them to work in harmony. Scientists call this “whole brain synchronization” and when achieved, your brain experiences extremely beneficial changes in hemispheric blood flow and chemistry. See more on EOC INSTITUTE

If that’s true then I want to be one of that greatest philosophers, thinkers, inventors, and artists. Although I knew that having potentials are useless if you don’t work for it and just idle by. I guess I have to move it, move it. I like to move it.



Source: PsychTests, EOC INSTITUTE, Boys & Toys Reviews

Sorry! No Last Name


I’m glad that Facebook now has allowed empty last name in their account setting. That’s why, I officially write my name just as it is.

Not all country has the same citizens’ name regulations.
In Indonesia, birth name can be one word only or as many words as they want and their father’s name is not necessarily included in their birth name. It can be included by choice. This makes it hard to define Indonesian name into standard name form like:
First Name, Last Name or
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

Which in other form, it is stated:

Birth Name, Family Name or

Forename, Middle Name, Surname

As my name is only consist of one word, so whenever I fill any of such form, I usually put my name twice or thrice; or make it empty if it is allowed. Though some people will find it weird.

There was some instances when I was abroad, the staff at the airport is confused by my name and the ticket was printed with the same name twice. Then I explained that my name is only consist of one word. Another encounter regarding this name issue also happened with a bank customer service and an immigration officer at the border of UK. They accepted my explanation but it was just weird for them.

I then thought to myself that I would name my children (if I ever have them) with two or three words so they wouldn’t encounter such confusions.


Panduan Menulis Opini Oleh Tasmilah


Sabtu, 17 Februari 2018 lalu Pukul 16::00-18:00 WIB, Saya mengikuti seminar WhatsApp Group (WAG) dimana saya tergabung, dengan tema “Produktif Membunyikan Data Melalui Opini” yang disampaikan oleh Mbak Tasmilah, SST. Sekilas tentang Mbak Tasmilah seperti tercantum pada gambar adalah bahwa Mbak Tasmilah itu seorang fungsional statistisi di BPS Kota Serang, ibu dari 5 anak, dan penulis 69 opini di 14 media selama 2 tahun terakhir. Suatu pencapaian yang hebat, bukan? Namun, Saya kenal Mbak Tasmilah bukan baru di seminar ini. Dulu sewaktu saya masih kuliah di almamater saya, saya pernah satu kos dengan Mbak Tasmilah di kos-an saya yang kedua, lebih kurang selama empat bulan sampai saya memutuskan untuk pindah ke kos-an lain. Di benak saya masih teringat masa-masa waktu kami di kos dulu dan tentunya kita tidak akan pernah menduga akan bertemu kembali di grup Perempuan BPS Menulis. Mendengar prestasi Mbak Tasmilah, saya merasa takjub, bukan karena jumlah opini yang dihasilkan Mbak Tasmilah atau bahwa Mbak Tasmilah berhasil menembus Kompas yang terkenal selektif memilih opini, tetapi lebih pada betapa Mbak Tasmilah berhasil menemukan cara positif untuk mengatasi kejenuhan rutinitas kantor, membagi waktu di tengah kesibukan pekerjaan dan rumah tangga, serta menaklukkan diri sendiri akan rasa malas, keengganan, demi meraih kemajuan diri sendiri.  Saya yakin dari sosok seperti Mbak Tasmilah inilah, kita perlu belajar bagaimana cara menulis Opini, yang merupakan medium positif bagi perkembangan diri Mbak Tasmilah.

Menurut Mbak Tasmilah, dalam menulis opini, ada tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut:
A. Proses Menulis Opini
1. Menentukan tema yang aktual.
2. Menentukan sudut pandang (angle) atau perspektif.
3. Mencari dan menggunakan referensi/rujukan, pendapat para ahli.
4. Memulai menulis, memetakan dan mengidentifikasi masalah, membahas permasalahan yang sudah diidentifikasi , sampai membuat konklusi.

B. Menentukan tema Aktual dapat dilakukan dengan cara:
1. Amati berita headline koran-koran utama yang memiliki reputasi baik setiap hari selama 4 hari.
2. Amati berita-berita di TV selama seminggu.
3. Baca situs-situs berita mainstream, seperti,,, dll.
4. Ikuti berita yang dimuat berulang selama 3-4 hari.

C. Struktur Tulisan Opini
1. Judul
2. Pendahuluan
3. Pembahasan
4. Kesimpulan


1. Judul : Singkat, padat, jelas (3-5 kata)
2. Pembuka (lead) : merupakan kalimat atau paragraf pembuka yang mengajak, menggoda, mengusik pembaca agar terus membaca sampai tuntas.
3. Penjelas (Batang Tubuh)
4. Penutup (ending)

D. Menyusun Alinea
1. Satu alinea biasa mengandung satu pokok pikiran
2. Uraikan inti masalah dengan singkat (3-5 kalimat)
3. Sifatnya, apakah menanggapi opini orang lain atau mengajukan opini tersendiri?
4. Uraikan pokok pikiran utama (main idea) menjadi beberapa pokok pikiran penunjang/turunan
5. Hubungkan satu alinea dengan alinea selanjutnya dengan jembatan pikiran (bridging) yang kuat
6. Hubungan antar alinea bisa bersifat: kronologis (waktu), spasiologis (ruang), dan kausalitas (sebab-akibat)

E. Membuat dan Edit Draft
1. Selesaikan draf, apapun bentuknya, tulis aja apa yang ada di kepala sampai bener-bener mentok.
2. Endapkan tulisan awal selama beberapa waktu, cari inspirasi/kesibukan, perhatikan deadline.
3. Tinjau ulang draft awal dan periksa dari segi substansi, struktur argumentai, atau gaya penulisannya.
4. Bisa meminta pendapat atau masukan dari teman sebelum dikirim ke redaksi. Note: Kalo Mbak Tasmilah sering meminta bantuan suaminya untuk membaca opini sebelum dikirim.

F. Pentingnya Data
1. Data penting untuk memperkuat pendapat yang diajukan, apalagi BPS merupakan gudangnya data. Penulis dari BPS diuntungkan dengan ini. Karena tiap bulan BPS selalu merilis data, ini bisa menjadi ide untuk menulis tiap bulan.
2. Referensi penting untuk menunjukkan bahwa semua pendapat yang sama/berbeda sudah dipertimbangkan.

G. Buatlah Profil menarik
1. Biodata yang memuat pendidikan dan pekerjaan kita, ini untuk menunjukkan kompetensi kita sebagai penulis. Contoh: Tasmilah. ASN di BPS, Pendidikan DIV statistik Ekonomi. Kalau perlu tulis juga penulis opini di Kompas, Suara Pembaruan, Suara Merdeka, Radar Banten, dst.
2. Alamat yang mudah dihubungi, scan ktp, foto, dan norek npwp (jika koran nasional).

H. Mengirim Ke Redaksi


Demikianlah ulasan singkat mengenai hal-hal yang disampaikan dalam seminar WAG bersama Mbak Tasmilah. Bagi siapa saja yang berniat untuk menulis Opini, semoga sharing ini bisa bermanfaat. Sarana untuk mengembangkan diri bisa apa saja. Ada yang berbisnis, memasak, membuat kerajinan tangan, melukis, bermusik, dsb yang tentunya sesuai dengan minat tiap orang yang bisa berbeda-beda. Namun, jangan pernah berhenti untuk mengembangkan diri. Karena dengan terus mengembangkan dirilah kita bisa lebih menghargai hidup ini. Pesan ini tentunya saya arahkan pada diri saya sendiri yang seringkali masih lupa akan hal tersebut.



To Love


I have often talked about love, the concept and all that stuffs. I have also imagined so many times how it will be when I am in love. Although my actual experience of love is zero as I have never been in relationship before, but I believe I know a thing or two about love as I am a keen observer. I read, hear, watch stories about people in love and associate with their feelings as if I went through their lives already. Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? But it’s true.

As much as dreamy person I am, I am also a realist. I don’t really imagine love without flaw like a fairy tale. I know love needs efforts, from both sides involved. There isn’t any single person without flaw in this world, if that’s what you would call it, but I’d rather say it weakness. Every human has weaknesses and strength. Even the most perfect person you could ever recognize has his weakness, you just haven’t seen it yet, or blind yourself from seeing it. This is where love plays the part. Love can make you blind to see the weakness of someone you love. Or perhaps, rather to say, you see the weakness, you know it, but you just don’t care about it. That weakness is something you could tolerate. You just focus to see the good sides of the one you love. So in that sense, I believe there is this compatibility between two people meant to be in love.

We hear a lot about this love compatibility. If you are compatible with someone, you won’t consider that person’ weakness as something detrimental that could turn off your interest. So people could see it as something big and questioning why do you even love this person. But to you, because you love him/her, it doesn’t matter to you. That’s why I always think you should be true to yourself and be honest with your partner so he/she could see the real you and whether this love you both have for each other are meant to be.

When you are open with each other, you see each other’s scars of the past, you could sense whether you are meant for each other by how much acceptance you receive. Someone who is not willing to see your scars won’t be someone destined to love you so just let him/her run away. On the contrary, someone who is destined to love you will embrace you for who you are, scarred or anything. The burden you carry is the burden he/she is willing to share with you as much as his/her burden is something you could lighten. So one concept of love is to share the burden of each other and to become each other’s strength to withstand it all.

So here’s to Love!
May we all find someone to love.


I Am Me


I am always myself. I never once think I am special or different or anything. I believe that everyone has their own color which is special to themselves. No matter how much similarities you share with another, there will always be more things different. That nature in itself made every person is unique in their own.

I don’t live a hermit life. I socialize to some extent. In my time of socialization, I realize there is some distinct border, unseen, but you could sense that limit your interaction with some others. I sometimes sense it coming from people putting up their guards on me. Mostly because they think I am someone difficult to approach. I don’t blame them and often think it is just me.

I have mentioned in my other post before that there was a time where I blame myself too much when I can’t get along with people or when I sense that border coming from people directed to me while they are easily connecting with some others. I started to think what’s wrong with me and so many questions of why popped up in my head.

Although I had that kind of self-blaming mode in me, I still stay true to myself. I just slowly drifted away from them, those who didn’t want me in their circle. I actually know what they want, all the questions popping in my head, I have multiple answers to them. But the thing is I don’t want to do any of those ways just to make me fit into someone’s circle. I choose to be genuine.

All the long while, I no longer feel there is a need for self-blame. As I found that people are no different than pieces of puzzle. The ones with the right form will fit you a.k.a. get along with you. I have found several people where our puzzles match with each other. Although not so many, I’m still quite satisfied. They are the people who accept me for who I am, not even trying to change me. Just like I never try to change other people. I am just thankful for their presence in my life.

I am just glad that even though along the way it has cost me many people, I stay true to myself. I always think it’s better to lose others than to lose myself trying to fit in. When I come to accept myself, I see my own value and appreciate what I see in me. In other words, instead of winning others, I choose to win myself and it has made my life content and peaceful.


Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds – Korean Movie 2017 [Eng Sub]


The first time I knew about this movie is January 31st. Then I searched it on the cinema in my city in case it is still showing. I got my hope high to see it is still showing in other city but unfortunately the cinemas in my city didn’t air the movie for long. When I emailed them about it, they said they could organized the screening if I have large groups to fill the theater. How can I? I just wanted to watch this movie alone. So I could only wish for some websites to upload this movie to watch at home.

My wish was granted. On February 14th, I didn’t need to wait for long, a website has uploaded the movie. I watched the movie in the morning to noon of February 15th. I really wanted to watch this movie, Why? First, it’s because the genre, Fantasy, Action, Drama. I red the reviews on several websites and it mentioned about the stunning CG effects and a strong story. These are all we could need for a movie with that genres. Not to mention the strong casts have been known for their strong acting performances. I also read that this movie surpassed 10 Million viewers in South Korea alone in short amount of time. But although that’s great as a premise, I don’t really consider box office record as something that assure the quality of a movie.

So what about this movie that attracts so many viewers?

First, the story.

Story of the death of an ordinary fireman named Ja-hong (Cha Tae-hyun). Gang-rim (Ha Jung-woo), the head grim reaper, Haewonmaek (Ju Ji-hoon), and Dukchoon (Kim Hyang-gi) are assigned as public defenders to escort Ja-hong in the afterlife and represent him in 7 trials in 49 days to find out how Ja-hong lived his life and where he ought to spend the rest of eternity, heaven, hell, or granted for reincarnation.

The story is based on a webtoon by Joo Ho-min, Along With the Gods.

I was curious about the concept of 49 days after death in Korea. The first time I heard about it was through the drama 49 Days. And along the way, I watched several dramas nudged on the topic of the afterworld in Korean myth. But none really based the whole story in the afterworld. This is another reason I was so looking forward to this movie.

Before discussing the movie further, just watch the movie first here

I wanted to dwell further on the story of the movie. But because it is a recent movie which is first released in South Korea in December 20th, 2017, it’s not even two months old. So surely there are many who haven’t watched. I think I will stop here first. Then I will add more about the movie in a few days or weeks as to not spoil the story for those who haven’t watched.

Happy watching!

Now it’s time to discuss the movie.

It’s been a little over a month since I posted this and it gained over 1800 views. It might not seem plenty but for a blog like mine which rarely get views over a hundred it was quite much. Now I assume people have already watched this movie, I want to start reviewing it.

The concept of the afterworld is what attracting me to the movie so I start with that. In Korea, people believe in the concept of reincarnation, that if you live good live you will get the chance to reincarnate. This movie also mention about 7 types of hell and heaven. It’s quite similar in Islam there is a concept of 7 level of heaven and 7 level of hell. But there is never such thing as reincarnation, because the afterworld is described as our last home for eternity. While the world is actually just a test where our live spent there is short. The 7 types of hell or heaven in Korean myth have separate trials while in Islam, the trial is just one and it’s like another phase before decision on which level of hell or heaven someone is to enter based on their life’s deeds.
