My Enneagram Type

I took Enneagram Test here


and the result is there are three types with the highest scores: type 1, type 5, and type 9.


Description of type 1


Description of type 5


Description of type 9

Mom’s Smile is My First Motivation

I remembered when I was a kid; I was someone who was eager to learn. Being a curious child, I came to my brother’s school every day and stood by the door to look at the teacher’s teaching the lesson. I wanted to study as well but my age at that time had not reached school age, yet.


Few months after that, I started schooling 6 months faster because my parents asked the school’s principal whether I could start school faster since my interest to study was already quite strong. I love studying just for the sake of the knowledge that I got to know. But still it never crossed my mind I wanted to reach first rank at school. It was then until I reached 4th grade of elementary school, one day I was called to the teacher’s office. I was a bit worried and was wondering why they called me. I recalled that I didn’t do anything wrong, that was what I thought to myself. It turned out that they wanted me to hand in a standard student picture of me to be put on a certificate, because I got first rank in class. I was surprised. That was the first time it happened. Though I remembered I didn’t particularly feel overly happy or anything, just felt surprise. I didn’t even tell my mom about it until the day our report book was given to us and I came back to my house and told my mom that I got first rank in class and showed her the certificate.


At that time, it was still clear on my mind how my mom smiled beautifully and happiness was seen throughout her face. That’s when I suddenly felt something different in my heart. I realized that me getting first rank at class could make my mom so happy and bring smile to her face. So my heart felt soothing. I was happy to see my mom happy. It was what motivated me to study harder in oder to achieve first rank in class for the next and following terms also. I wanted to make my mom happy again and again.


It’s not the achievement but how the achievement could make my mom happy is the real achievement to me.



Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Mom will always be my inspiration.

I always keep our sweet memories in my heart.

May Allah Always Shelter Mom in The Blessings of True Happiness.



My animal personality: OWL

My animal personality: OWL

You are analytical and thoughtful. You prefer to work alone. In private life you are loyal and responsible.


Owl Characteristics
Eloquent Sincere Conservative

The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence. It is known as the serene, wise observer of human society. Always well groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that border on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. Its large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.

The Owl Personality is Sober

Owls have developed quite a reputation for intelligence, but it’s really their calm and insightful nature that gives this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life they use their deeper spiritual senses to guide them, and like their nocturnal cohorts, the bats, have a deeply philosophical bent.

Spending much of their time in solitary pursuits, owls like to hole up in a quiet working environment and venture out only when necessary. They are not a playful creature. Only engaging in exercise and sport in order to keep physically fit, they avoid the more gregarious animal personalities like dogs, dolphins, and sea lions.

Owls are not without their assertive side however, and they won’t hesitate to use their razor-sharp tongue to settle an argument. Never the aggressor in a confrontation, they fight only when their survival or honor is at stake and have no desire for a prolonged or physical struggle. Owls espouse nonviolence, think logically, and argue persuasively.

The Owl Personality’s Career

As an astute observer of human nature, owls are eminently suited to be judges or diplomats. Their trustworthiness and dependability find them in positions of responsibility, perhaps as bank managers, heads of state, or religious leaders. A conscientious worker, an owl takes responsibilities seriously, and when it accepts the burden of public office it does so with the grace and skill typical of the species.

With an enormous capacity for hard work, owls achieve great things in almost any field they choose. This success doesn’t always translate into financial rewards, but invariably satisfies their need to impart their wisdom to others.

Love & Friendship

Unlike the terrestrial creatures, the owl is not a prisoner of its sex-drive, but with its air of refined sensuality is hardly shy about throwing itself into the physical aspects of a relationship. When it focuses its sharp ardor on its lover it ignites a steamy and animated encounter.

The owl views sex as a complement to its relationships and certainly not as a key component. It would do well to recognize the significance of physical affection outside the bedroom, for its partner is often starved for non-sexual reassurance.

The owl considers itself to be excellent company and is quite happy spending time in its own active mind, which slows its search for a long-term partner. Drawn to people who match its sedate disposition, the owl finds the noble swan to be a physical and emotional match. But achieving long-lasting relationships can prove difficult, for a suitable mate must also match in a deeply spiritual way. Perhaps that’s why the owl finds that its nocturnal companions, the fox and bat are able to fill its complex needs.

Best Mates for a Owl

Famous Owl Personalities
Nelson Mandela
Oprah Winfrey
Abraham Lincoln

You are confident, eccentric and sociable. Unusual and unconventional, people cannot help but to be drawn to your quirky personality. You’re one of a kind!!

Wait in Line, Please!

Picture: Old or young, Man or Woman, Rich or Poor, Rushed or not, People should wait in line.


I don’t like if my line is cut, whatever the reason, whoever you are.
The staffs who acknowledge such acts will get my wrath for sure.
What makes people think they have rights to cut the line?
They’re late? Then come earlier.
They’re only buying one thing? Buying few things doesn’t give you the right to be prioritized.
They’re in rush? Everybody has things to do afterwards, not just you.
Don’t ask respect if you can’t respect other person.
This bad habit of cutting the line is severe in Indonesia.
We really need to step up the game and change this.



Aku ga suka kalo antrianku dipotong, apapun alasannya, oleh siapapun juga.
Petugas yg melayani tindakan memotong antrian tersebut, pasti akan mendapatkan omelanku.
Apa yang membuat orang berpikir bahwa mereka berhak memotong antrian?
Mereka telat? Dateng lebih awal lah.
Mereka cuma beli satu barang? Cuma beli sedikit barang tidak memberimu hak untuk didahulukan.
Mereka buru-buru? Semua orang juga punya hal yang mau dilakukan setelahnya, bukan cuma kamu.
Jangan minta dihormati kalo kamu tidak bisa menghormati orang lain.
Kebiasaan jelek memotong antrian marak di Indonesia.
Kita benar-benar perlu berbenah diri dan mengubah kebiasaan jelek ini.


Disclaimer: Picture is not mine, copyright is as stated in the picture.

My Frustration on People Smoking in Public


Honestly, I don’t care if people are smoking as long as they keep the smoke to themselves. It’s your choice to smoke for whatever reason you choose. You may say to yourself smoking doesn’t really make you sick or we are all going to die anyway whether we smoke or not. It is your right to choose on how you want to treat your body or on how you want to die. But do you have to bring people to suffer sickness because of you or to die instead of you?
Please think, you flaunt your smoke, letting out the smoke in the air for everyone to breathe in. You think it’s your right. But your right is bordered by other people’s right also, the right to breathe in fresh air free from harmful substances in cigarette smoke. If you lock yourself in a room to smoke for yourself, nobody cares. But when you do it in public, forcing people to suffer the consequences of your action and choice, how does that make you any different than people who hurt other people physically?
I really hope people who smoke in public got arrested and put in jail. That smoking in public would be considered as physical assault and there’s legal consequences for it. So they would see the seriousness of this issue.


Someday, I will go live in a country where smoking in public is banned and people abide by the rule. Up until now here in Indonesia, it’s like almost every time I’m outside, there’s someone who smokes.
Na michigeol gat-a. Home is the only safe place away from smokes.


I treat people who smoke near me far worse than people with infectious diseases.
People who got infectious diseases don’t have a choice. But people who smoke made that choice and even willing to sacrifice other people’s health for their own, what? addiction.
It’s a common knowledge that passive smokers (people who breathe the secondhand smokes are more prone to health issues).

So, sorry not sorry!
Because I hate cigarette smokes for as long as I could remember. Since I was a child, my father is a heavy smoker and I am against his habit all the time.

Everytime someone smokes near me, I couldn’t stand it. I could smell the smokes even from a distance. Wearing a mask doesn’t help much. I feel suffocated and then my rage boils.
So it’s either I tell them off, glare at them, or run away from them, avoid them at all cost.

I wish I could destroy all cigarettes in the world.


I can smell cigarette smokes from far away.
It’s hard.
In a country ruled by smokers, even when there’s a rule not to smoke in public, no implementation could be felt.
So for someone who really despise cigarette smokes (like me), it’s hard
to go with public transportation,
to eat outside,
to be in a confined place,
when it’s filled with smokers (even smokes from one is worst enough for me) who doesn’t understand:
that we, non-smokers, really crave to breathe in the air without being contaminated by your cigarette smokes.
If I were a president of this country, the first thing I would do is to ban smoking in public and to put a very strict rule in its implementation, everywhere.


In Netherlands, it was not allowed to smoke inside buildings. Any smokers would go outside to smoke, even in the freezing weather. So I was so relieved. I didn’t have to fight with the smoke and I can’t recall getting upset because of cigarette’s smell during that year.


“The picture shows Indonesia is in the yellow, where there is only Partial “smoke-free” restrictions, or patchy or INCONSISTENT law enforcement.

Tobacco kills more than 7 million people each year. More than 6 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 890 000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Cigarettes are smoked by over 1 billion people, which is nearly 20% of the world population. About 800 million of these smokers are men.

Nearly 80% of the world’s more than 1 billion smokers live in low- and middle-income countries. Only 20% smokers live in high income countries, and with US leading the numbers, so less smokers are found in other high income countries. This will make the proportion of smokers to non smokers in those countries is way lower than in low- and middle-income countries, for example Indonesia.

Indonesia already has the world’s highest smoking prevalence among males, as 67.4 percent of males over 15 years old smoke, meaning 2 out of 3 guys in Indonesia are smokers. Currently, the country ranks fourth on the list of countries with the most smokers, behind China, Russia and the US.”


Data & Picture sources: Wikipedia and others

I am Generalist and Friendly When I Want to be


If people are classified into generalist or specialist, then I’m definitely a generalist.
My interests are wide so I could talk to people from different backgrounds about different topics, maths, languages, ITs. religions, entertainments (music, movie, drama, show, dance, etc), medical, geography, history, economy, philosophy, traveling, art, psychology, science, animal, policy, mythology, education, etc. I like everything.
Since I’m not the type to judge, I am open to talk about anything to anyone without judging.
That’s why I don’t like to be judged by other people.

I have my beliefs, my values, my own ways of thinking, my right and wrong compass, but I never try to inflict mine upon others.
Because in the end, right and wrong is subjective.
Even when it is not, it is down to every person’s choice.
After all, we carry our own weight of choices of right or wrong. So why need to force it upon others?
Or sometimes getting mad when our values are not accepted.
Or hating people who are not in our zone.
I thought it’s pretty ridiculous. People could even start a war for that.
But well again, people are different so it’s their choice.

What I’m saying is, I am a good listener and quite a good talker.
But once I feel uncomfortable in the talking situation, I’d rather not talk.
For example, when people start bashing others just for the fun of it or when people think they’re higher than other people.
Because I am a person who believe everyone of us are equals.
Jobs, degrees, knowledge, riches, rankings, competencies, lifestyles, races, religions, hobbies are not the things that should divide us or classify us into better or worse.
For example, just because you play golf, to me you’re NOT someone on a higher level. Puff!

Of course I notice that my kind of mindset is not usual to what’s accepted in the society who likes the idea of social status and really enjoys to differentiate respect based on that.
So if you’re someone who are not so eager to be respected more and treated differently, you could come to me to talk. LOL
I’m open for anything.

The person in me has never changed no matter what age I am, my relationship status, what language I’m talking, my job position, my level of income, the knowledge I’m learning, the degree I’m having, my lifestyle, or even overall appearance, etc.
I’m true to the bone.
So likewise, you don’t need to treat me different.
If you don’t like that, well, it’s your choice.
I’m not changing for you to like me.

I was disrespected few times, for those reasons, job position, relationship status, level of income, overall appearance, lifestyle, you name it. I just can’t say or do anything about it.
It’s their choice.
That’s why often time I choose to be alone.
I just come to people I’m comfortable with.
Most of my friends are people who are not so quick to judge or differentiate.

I met 8 new persons recently, different race, religion, job, interest, education, relationship status, countries of origin, and I could match them all.
See, I could be friendly when I want to.
And of course if they want to as well.
Because it takes two to tango.

People who are already judging me, ah she is so quiet, she must not like this, she seems so unapproachable, she must have high standard, she is difficult, her hobby is not the same as mine, talking to her might be boring, she is not up to my level, thus choose not to approach or talk to me or shun me out when I’m trying to talk to them, would not discover anything about me, how wide my interest is, or how deep layered my personality is.
And it’s their choice.


Disclaimer: Picture is not mine, all rights belong to the original source.

My 100 Questions and Answers

100 Questions and Answers (copied and adjusted to me)
1.) Nickname: Hifni
2.) Enneagram Type: Tritype (1-5-9), Basic and Wing (1w9)
3.) Personality type: INFJ (less than 1% of the world)-Ambivert (38-68% of the world)-HSP (15-20% of the world)
4.) Blood type: O- (5% of the world)
5.) Height: 160 cm
6.) Weight: >50 kg (fluctuative)
7.) Shoe size: 250 mm (40)
8.) Personality: Quite, but can be talkative with people I’m close with, or to strangers sometimes when I feel like it
9.) Dream: To be a university lecturer and to leave something good to the world
10.) Specialties: Learning, Daydreaming, Singing, Sleeping, Thinking, Organizing and Making Notes
11.) Hobbies: Watching movies dramas or shows, Surfing the internet, Listening to the Mucis, Singing, Reading
12.) My idol: My mom
13.) Ideal type: Someone who is loving and affectionate
14.) Fav Flower: Rose, any kinds of flower
15.) The kind of person you want to love you: A warm-hearted and responsible person
16.) Fav. Fruit: Bananas, guava and mango
17.) People you don’t like: Someone who hurts other people
18.) Fav comic book: I like many, but most favourite is Garasu no kamen by Suzue Miuchi
19.) What I’m worried about: Whether my time in the world is worthy enough.
20.) Sleeping out: Don’t want to
21.) Alcohol tolerance: No alcohol. I don’t drink.
22.) First love: My mom 🙂 (I love my mom)
23.) People I respect: My mom, a tender and warm-hearted person
24.) Sport I’m good at: I’m not good at any sport
25.) Fav song: I have too many
26.) Things you want to master: A new skill
27.) When I look the best: When I got no acne or when I smile
28.) Person I liked the best out of all the people I’ve gone out with: I never have boyfriend or go out with anyone
29.) Fav number: 8
30.) Prized possession: My books, CD Albums, and souvenirs collection.
31.) At what age you want to get married: Age doesn’t matter, just when I found my soulmate
32.) Religion: Islam
33.) Fav perfume: I don’t like perfume. A nice scent of soap, shampoo, or laundry softener is enough.
34.) Fav color: Anything that looks good
35.) Good thing about myself: I like to learn
36.) Bad thing about myself: Not easy to approach people
37.) Favourite dish: Anything delicious
38.) Smoking habit: I don’t smoke and against smoking because it posions your body and other people’s body who breathe in the smoke.
39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet?: No~! I want to sleep
40.) Things I cook well: Easy recipe
41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to improve in any way I can.
42.) Foreign language I’m good at: English (still a lot to improve)
43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: Talk and gaze at each other
44.) A present I want to give to the person I love: My love
45.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!
46.) Things (stuffs) I want: I want many things
47.) How long I can wait for someone: My whole life
48.) Phone greeting: Salam, Hello?
49.) Ringtone: Runaway
50.) Caller rings: None
51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: I’ll look for the person who lose it
52.) Habits: Thinking, laying down (I think a lot, even when I’m dazed, I’m thinking of something)
53.) Sleeping habits: I sleep on my side with my hand under the pillow
54.) What I’m wearing as of now: Casual clothes
55.) I want to die when: I have done many good deeds
56.) #1 Treasure: My faith
56.) How many times have you given to or received flowers or chocolate from a person of the different gender: 0 (never)
57.) Where do I want a plastic surgery: I don’t want to
58.) My charm: I have layered personality. If I get closer to someone, then I can show more of me gradually
59.) What people think of me: I don’t know
60.) Something I say a lot: Salam, Thank you
61.) What if you are alone: I’m used to be alone
If you are alone in this whole world: Oh, that would be bad.
62.) When I was most hurt: Physically, stomachache I had during the first and second year of the university. Headache I had in 2016.
63.) When I feel the happiest: When I love myself
64.) What I do when I’m scared: I pray and I hold onto myself.
65.) Countries you want to travel to: Many countries, South Korea, Japan, Greece, Switzerland, Finland, New Zealand, etc.
66.) What I do when I’m stressed: I listen to music
67.) What is love: A feeling stronger than like when you feel the importance of the other persons presence in your life and have the willingness to do things to make them happy, when you can accept them the way they are, and the reasons you started to like them at the beginning have subside but you still cherish them anyway.
68.) What I do when I’m mad: I glare to make my point but mostly I will be silent and keep it to myself.
69.) Things I can’t eat: Bitter foods
70.) How many hours you sleep: 8 hours (I want to)
71.) Something I want to learn: Foreign languages
72.) What I do when there is someone I don’t like: Ignore them
73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I got a scholarship to study abroad
74.) What I think of money: It’s essential but not everything
75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: I’ll let them go because it’s important to be mutual in love
76.) Most recent time I cried: I don’t remember, maybe three months ago.
77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Sunshine
78.) First kiss: None
79.) When your heart hurt the most: When I was judged or not loved
80.) Favourite person of a different race I like: Any race is fine with me as long as they’re nice
81.) Place I want to go the most: Makkah, Saudi Arabia (for Hajj or Umroh)
82.) When is the last time you feel so hopeless: Last year, 2016
83.) When I was most disappointed: 2015
84.) Your monthly allowance: Different each time
85.) Fav animal: Cat
86.) Fav. Season: Spring
87.) Most memorable date: Memorable in a good way, 30 September 2013, the day I set foot in Netherlands
88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: Personality
89.) Proverb I currently think about: “Happiness does not come from the happiness itself, but from a journey towards achieving it.” – Finnish proverb
90.) Favorite place you’ve traveled to? Vienna
91.) My center of entertainment: Hmm, myself. I can do a lot of things and enjoy them alone.
92.) Love is?: Precious
93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When they stop caring
94.) TV Programs you watch the most: West: Supernatural (12 seasons and ongoing), Korean: Running Man (since 2010 to the present)
95.) What I like the most about myself: Being imaginative and independent
96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well
97.) When are you most glad: When I achieve something
98.) When were you burdened by money problem: During Bachelor degree when I have to work part time for a living, but rather than feeling burdened, it was a rewarding challenge.
99.) My motto: Hope lies between my struggle and faith
100.) Last thing you want to say: Finally done! This is fun!

Love Yourself


How do you feel when you let others decide your value?
When you feel not accepted by someone else,
When you let people judge you as they please,
When you start acknowledging what they say or think of you,
You lose your self-confidence.
When it seems you have no worth other than what you have to offer to them,
You wrinkled to dust.
You look ugly.
You can’t accept yourself,
You don’t love yourself.

The returning point is when you start to see inside, and say

You are valuable,
You are a beauty,
No matter what people say.
You should accept yourself,
You should love yourself,
They don’t matter.
They can walk out of your life, who cares?!
You are opening the doors wide for everyone to leave,
And to finally liberate yourself,
Out of influence of others.
This is your door and you’re holding the key,
The one who enters is the one who loves you.

Now inside there’s you and you love yourself.


Disclaimer: Only picture is not mine, all right for the picture belongs to the original source.

My 10 Boundaries


We discussed about this before in the INFJ community,
What are the boundaries you set for your relationships with others to flourish?

So my 10 boundaries are:
1. Not forcing me to do something.
Ask me first before you put me onto something. I have to-do-list and I know my limit.
2. Keep your words, do not say one thing but do others. Pay your debt before the time is due.
3. Be honest, truthful, and sincere.
4. Watch your words, do not say hurtful words.
5. Be courteous.
Say Sorry when you’re wrong and fix your mistakes, don’t let others suffer the consequences of your actions,
say Please when asking for a favour, and
say Thank You after getting the help you need.
6. Be strong and responsible.
Do not depend on me too much. I need to depend on someone too, no matter how strong I am. Hold your responsibilities because I hold mine.
7. Don’t be selfish.
Thinking of your needs is okay, but it’s not okay when you’re sacrificing other people’s needs to get yours.
8. Listen, don’t ignore what I say, and do something about it.
I find it hard to voice my concern, but when I do, you need to listen because it matters to me.
9. Don’t meddle on my business.
I can take care of certain things myself. If it’s not related to you, don’t always ask questions and want to know everything.
10. Keep all secrets.
Everything that I share to you, you can’t share it to anyone. Because I’m a very private person so I dislike people talking about me on almost everything. Keep the conversation between us only.


Kami membahas hal ini sebelumnya di komunitas INFJ,
Apa batasan yang Anda tetapkan agar hubungan Anda dengan orang lain bisa berkembang?

10 batasan saya adalah:
1. Tidak memaksaku melakukan sesuatu.
Tanya aku dulu sebelum Anda menempatkanku pada sesuatu. Aku punya daftar tugas dan aku tahu batas kesanggupanku.
2. Tepati kata-kata Anda, jangan mengatakan satu hal tapi melakukan yang lain. Bayar hutang Anda sebelum waktunya jatuh tempo.
3. Berlakulah jujur, benar, dan tulus.
4. Jaga kata-katamu, jangan mengucapkan kata-kata yang menyakitkan.
5. Bersikap sopan.
Katakanlah maaf saat Anda salah dan perbaiki kesalahan Anda, jangan biarkan orang lain menderita akibat tindakan Anda,
Katakan tolong saat meminta bantuan, dan
ucapkan terimakasih setelah mendapat bantuan yang anda butuhkan.
6. Jadilah orang yang kuat dan bertanggung jawab.
Jangan terlalu bergantung padaku. Aku pun butuh bergantung pada seseorang, tidak peduli seberapapun kuatnya aku. Pegang tanggung jawabmu karena aku memenuhi tanggung jawabku.
7. Jangan egois.
Memikirkan kebutuhan Anda tidak apa-apa, tapi tidaklah baik bila Anda mengorbankan kebutuhan orang lain untuk mendapatkannya.
8. Dengarkan aku, jangan abaikan apa yang aku katakan, dan lakukan sesuatu tentang hal tersebut.
Aku sering merasa berat untuk menyuarakan kepentinganku, tapi ketika aku melakukannya, dengarkanlah karena ini benar-benar berarti bagiku.
9. Jangan mencampuri urusan saya.
Saya bisa mengurus hal-hal tertentu sendiri. Jadi jika sesuatu hal tersebut tidak berhubungan dengan Anda, jangan selalu mengajukan pertanyaan dan ingin tahu segalanya.
10. Jaga semua rahasia.
Segala sesuatu yang aku bagikan padamu, jangan membagikannya kepada siapapun. Karena aku orang yang sangat menjaga privasi jadi aku tidak suka orang membicarakanku pada hampir semua hal. Simpan percakapan kita di antara kita saja.


Disclaimer: Only picture is not mine, all right for the picture belongs to the original source.

Say NO to Hutang!


Aku tuh tipe orang yang ga suka berhutang dengan orang lain.
Dulu sesusah-susahnya aku, meski aku harus menghemat makan, atau makan cuma dua kali sehari, aku ga pernah mau ngutang duit ke orang lain, meski ke keluarga sendiri. Ga bisa terucap dari bibirku buat ngutang ke orang lain buat kepentinganku, seberapapun pentingnya itu.
Lalu kalau ada hutang (yang ga sadar/sengaja) atau piutang meski duit seratus atau dua ratus pun, aku tetap inget sampe kapan tahun, hingga itu lunas.

Kalo belanja di minimarket terus ada barang yang ga masuk di struk, aku kemudian balik lagi kesana mengembalikan barang yang ga terhitung itu.
Kalo ada uang kembalian yang kelebihan, aku bakal kembalikan lagi.
Pas makan, terus karena ga ada kembalian yang cukup sehingga orang rumah makan itu bilang, “biarlah mbak, beberapa ratus/seribu/dua ribu nya ga usah aja,” aku bakal ubek-ubek tas buat nyari selisihnya itu.
Kalo bayar honor petugas, dulu waktu masih sistem honor dipotong pajak, jadi ada ratus-ratusannya, aku bakal siapin sampe ke hitungan ratusan itu buat bayar ke petugas.
Orang yang ngasih duit ke aku setelah mereka terima honor, ga pernah kuterima, karena honor itu hak mereka, bukan hakku.
Atau ada yang ngasih duit ke aku karena udah dibantu, aku kejar dan baikin lagi uangnya.
Ada uang di jalan, bukan punyaku ga akan kuambil.
Ada pernah orang ketinggalan ATM Gold di mesin ATM dalam posisi PIN terbuka (waktu itu sistem ATM belum yang setiap transaksi harus masukin PIN), aku langsung keluarkan dan kasih ke pihak bank.

Aku juga lebih suka bayar masing-masing atau istilahnya “Go-Dutch” kalo makan atau belanja bareng.
Cuma kalo ada omongan traktir dariku atau memang aku niat ngasih ke orang, maka benar itu sudah niat dariku dan ikhlash aku beri.
Sementara kalo pinjam/make uangku dulu, tetap aja hitungannya hutang, sampai kapanpun. Meskipun kutagih ataupun tidak.
Begitupun kalo orang yang bilang ke aku, bayarin makan, biar pake uangku dulu, aku bakal anggep itu hutangku dan keingetan terus sampe aku lunasi. Saat mau kubayar dan orangnya bilang biarlah, rasanya ada yang ganjel di hatiku, apa memang ikhlash atau ngerasa ga enak nerima ya. Cuma aku hanya bisa berbaik sangka dan menganggap itu sudah bukan lagi hutang. Maka dari itu sebenarnya aku lebih suka Go Dutch.

Urusan uang memang harus jelas kalau denganku.
Apa yang bukan hakku, ga akan kuambil.
Sebaliknya apa yang menjadi hakku, seharusnyalah aku terima.
Karena aku bersikap begitu ke orang, aku pun berharap orang bersikap begitu padaku.
Hutang harus dibayar, janji soal bayar hutang harus ditepati.
Keluarga ataupun teman tetap sama.
Aku bukan orang yang suka menagih. Buat menagih itu rasanya berat sekali bagiku.
Jadi seharusnya yang berhutang lah yang ingat akan hutangnya dan membayar, tanpa perlu ditagih dulu.

Kita ga tahu kan kapan ajal menjemput. Karena kalo tidak diselesaikan di dunia, hutang akan ditagih di akhirat.

Jadi Say NO to Hutang!


Disclaimer: Only picture is not mine, all right for the picture belongs to the original source.

Destroyed and Crumbled


I was destroyed,
Pick my crumbled self,
Then build myself back,
I stand and lay low,
Pick up my pace,
Then run again.

Happens all the time,

No matter what face I’m in,
I’m still me.

No matter no one believes in me,
As long as I do, that’s enough.
No matter no one loves me,
As long as I do, I’m content.

It takes much courage to walk alone,
It takes much strength to survive,

In the end there is only God and me.
Having no fear whatsoever,
With God by my side.
I am nothing,
But God makes me into something,

And it’s not over,
As the fight will still go on,
Till I die.


Disclaimer: Only picture is not mine, all right for the picture belongs to the original source.

My Personality Profile



Entrepreneurial and progressive, you are ever-striving, heading for the top, and enjoying an enterprising, ambitious and determined personality to do things well, and an unyielding dedication to your plan until the goals are achieved.

You bounce back easily from setbacks and can overcome any adversities or obstacles thrown in your way.

You make a good performer, but at the same time you can be quite intense and serious.

Your artistic talent is emphasized in the performing arts where sensitivity and understanding for people and situations is called for.

You can easily gain high respect in the community, being understanding of the views of others, and you often tend to achieve your goals.

When balanced, you are compassionate and emotionally secure. You are also a natural healer, with leadership qualities and the ability to genuinely empathize. You also radiate love and spiritual happiness to those around you.

By becoming aware of your emotions, you can gain control over them rather than have your emotions control your life. And the reward is great because then you show vast depth of understanding while keeping your emotions checked.

You were born with extra-ordinary drive and determination. You are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your own mind; you demands freedom of thought and action, and do not let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal.

You assume the responsibility to be the protector and provider for those you love. You demand respect and attention and become irritated and even domineering when important things do not go your way.

You are exceptionally creative and original and possess a touch of the unusual. Your approach to problems is unique and you have the courage to wander from the beaten path or the traditional templates of thoughts and deeds. You can be impatient with your shortcomings and those of others.

Sometimes you are concerned with your status and foster the appearance of success and self-satisfaction. The need to appear well off propels you to strive for growth, success and the finer things of life.

You perform best when you left to your own devices. Ideally you should own your own business and be your own boss. You should hold fast to your life’s dream and work with the determination you possess to realize it. You can become overly stressed by your driven nature. You need to be careful about the food you eat and maintain an exercise program you enjoy. Competition sports are often a healthy outlet for a person with your drive, particularly sports involving running and swimming.

More often than not a person like you will achieve much in life as long as the drive, creativity, originality and pioneering spirit are fully employed!

You are highly intuitive and creative. Your mind think in pictures. You seem to draw information and ideas from out of the sky.

Your intuition is your gift, along with a powerful drive to know the Oneness of all things. You are so driven by spiritual pursuits that no matter what you do in life, the world of spirit and philosophy will be central to your daily behavior. You feel linked with the larger universal forces, and nothing will change that.

You have a fine mind and keen insights, but these do not come as a result of logic or rational thought. You are more likely to direct your life by inspiration, rather than by calculated reflections.

On some level, you know that you are in the hands of destiny, and that you must surrender to the higher powers that shape your life. You are usually a late bloomer. Your early and middle 30s tend to be years spent in apprenticeship and slow development. During this period, you can become frustrated with your progress, or the apparent lack of it.

You need to develop faith. You are a highly charged person with much to do, but you must develop character and sound judgment before you begin to tap your true potential. Just as a tree needs roots to grow tall, so need you to develop depth of character in order to begin to expand in the ways you desire and ultimately envision.

Your highly developed intuition makes you a wonderful counselor, healer, or health practitioner. You have a gift for inspiring people. Many people admire you without you knowing it. You are a visionary, and others sense your wisdom.

You are acutely sensitive and easily influenced by your surroundings. You love beauty and harmony. You also crave social interaction and much attention. You can be very emotional, often experiencing extremes of happiness and sadness. You are usually too easily hurt. You also get depressed easily and feel the lack of confidence during times you are in a dark mood.

Despite your sensitivity, you possess leadership abilities. You are modest, diplomatic and polite. You have also the ability to persuade, and can be quite forceful.

Your high sensitivity to others makes you compassionate, kind, and gentle. You have an opportunity for fame and success as long as you do not pursue either as your gods. You need to look for ways to help others and convey a larger message, with which you were blessed. This will bring you the material and social fruits you desire.

You are a free spirit. You love change, adventure, and excitement. You love your freedom. Like a bird that needs its wings to live, you cannot exist without it. Freedom is the nucleus around which your life revolves. You need it for your very survival. By using freedom properly, you are able to explore and develop all of your varied talents. You will meet many types of people and travel great distances. Freedom is the atmosphere necessary for you to bring forth your many talents.

You are capable of doing almost anything, and probably quite well. Only by avoiding the imprisonment of illusory security are you able to bring forth your abilities.

You are unusually adaptable. In fact, change is a blessing for you. In the same way, you needs challenge and variety. You hate the routine of life; being stuck is a catastrophe for you. You become miserable when you are held back or held down.

The taste and texture and color of life have an overpowering allure for you. From childhood, you dream of seeing foreign lands, experiencing the sensual and the exotic. You want to try everything at least once in life. All of life is a playground for your senses.

But this can get you into trouble. You may fail to respect your natural limits, either biologically or socially. Any sort of boundary is anathema to you, which can blind you to your natural limits.

You are gifted in your ability to communicate. Your facility with words is almost limitless. You can be a salesman, politician, lawyer, public relations person, and minister. You also possess the talent to share and advance new ideas. You are talented with your hands. You love the new and untried. Your field is the frontier. You are a bit of a gambler, and often plays for very high stakes. All of this combines to give you a youthful enthusiasm, which others find infectious and attractive.

You like to work with others, but needs to perform your task un-encumbered by the restraints of others.
You are a clever and a quick thinker, but your thought processes – like your life in general – can be unorganized and scattered. You must stay grounded and focused if you want to be successful.

Self-discipline and setting healthy limits is the key to your success in virtually every area of your life. Ironically, you will find that as you learn to set appropriate limits on yourself, you will develop more self-mastery and realize even greater freedom.

This is especially true when it comes to finishing what you start. Your tendency is to give up once you have got a project or job under control because you grow bored quickly. You start to fantasize about a new challenge, or the rewards of your great accomplishment, long before the work is finished.

You desire the whole world. You are aware that you have many talents that can bring much success. But that success depends on your willingness to choose certain areas to concentrate on, and to bring them to perfection.

You want peace and harmony in all aspects of your life. You want to devote your life to someone or something. You fall in love easily. You are extremely sensitive and emotional. You can be sentimental and you cry at sad stories. You need friends and society.

You appreciate the refinements of life. You desire comfort and security. You have also refined taste, and can be a connoisseur. You love music and possess a good deal of musical talent.

Your sensitivity is actually a symptom of your highly developed intuition, but you must learn to trust it. You are a gentle soul and you shy away from confrontation as long as possible. You experience a battle within when you do not believe you can handle a situation; this may have a paralyzing effect on you.

Sometimes you prefer to give in when you should assert yourself. You must learn to be more decisive. Very often, you are afraid to use your own power in the face of someone else’s aggressiveness. You incorrectly perceive yourself to be in a weaker position; You may ultimately give in merely to avoid a fight.

Conversely, you are extremely diplomatic and tactful. You like to accomplish things through quiet persuasion. You dislike force.

At times, you have to fight uncertainty and doubt. You need to develop confidence and a willingness to stand up for what you believes to be right.

You need to feel in command of important undertakings, and resists supportive roles. You seek the forefront and the limelight.
In contrast, you can also function best in a supportive role, guiding the more public person in quiet, unobtrusive, yet essential ways.

You appear strong and powerful. You have an impressive personality and can influence and even intimidate through sheer force. You have natural authority. Your competence and enthusiasm attract people with resources.
You radiate confidence. People defer to you because they sense your sureness and effectiveness. You also exudes a kind of controlled benevolence. People sense that you are generous, once you are convinced of the worthiness of the cause.

It is important for you to dress well. You radiate a kind of raw power and able-ness, which needs to be refined and enhanced by your clothing. You may even dress a bit flashy, because that will not harm you. Quality is among your highest priorities, and should reflect in your clothing.

You can be prone to indigestion, ulcers, and heart disease due to your reckless eating and your propensity to be workaholics.

Your Achilles heel is your capacity for an egocentric attitude. The negative side of your personality can cause you to be ruthless, greedy, and intensely lonely.

Conversely, you can be spontaneous and excited. You are essentially warm and jovial. In your heart of hearts, you want everyone to be as excited and as happy as you. Those who are around you often sense this, and your coworkers and other employees usually like you.

Throughout your life you will be concerned with the welfare of others. You will make your home the focus of your life, and fill your world with as much beauty as possible. In your later years you will find yourself surrounded by friends and family. This will ensure your joy and contentment.

As you mature, you will become increasingly concerned with the well-being of family, friends, and community. You will be drawn to the role as healer, counselor, and teacher – due to your growing ability to give comfort and sound advice to those in need.

You naturally assume the role of patriarch or matriarch of those in your care, no matter how old they are. You become more responsible and protective, and you may well become involved in environmental protection, volunteer work or politics.

You are naturally idealistic and strive to realize those ideals as you grow in maturity and in personal resources.
Your careful and balanced approach to business and financial matters provide you with sound and secure success later in life.
This provides an outstanding financial foundation for the future.

In addition, this promises an old age surrounded by loved ones. You could eventually have the close relationships that you have strived for most of your life.

Facing some issues, you retreat into some safe haven within yourself and hope you will not have to deal with the issue at hand. Yet, the clarity and analytical abilities of your mind are sufficient to provide you with insight into the problem, and a clear path to its solution.

You have to work at confronting yourself and the issues you face unemotionally and calmly. You can be engulfed in the emotional aspects of the issue, which clouds your mind and prevent you from using your clarity to find an answer.
But once you get past the emotion you will find an answer by yourself.

You will have luck in matters involving risk and new ventures. It will shine for you in times of change and even chaos and upheaval.
You will also have an edge when connected to matters of romance.

Disclaimer: all rights reserved to the sources.