Tendency When I’m Sick

For me, when I’m sick, I rarely tell anyone, not even my family. I just deal with it alone.
I was scolded a lot about this tendency but it’s hard to change.
I don’t want to put any burden to anyone and don’t want anyone’s actions or words burden me, that’s why I’d rather struggle alone.
Because for me, my heart is much more important than my body.
Physical diseases can be cured within days, but if the heart gets hurt, it could take years to heal or the hurt could even forever stays with me.
Because I’m sensitive and it’s just how I protect myself.
Don’t ask me to change because I love who I am.


Disclaimer: Picture is not mine, all rights belong to the owner.

Published by hifni1985

Just another human being who is full of various interests and feel empty when unable to express them.

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